From Energetic Performance Diagnosis tests in houses

and VET practices to NEW training and career

Impact and european added value

What impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on persons (trainees and staff) and on the participating institutions ?

The first aim is:

Analysis and reduction of measurement diversion and recommendation of the most suitable software and used method.

  • We can question ourselves about the national test realization practices and thus explain or improve them through European practice comparisons. If diagnoses don’t exist in a certain country, a formation will be made by European partners.
  • Indeed, following a test on a same construction, all diagnosis operators from any country should get similar results in terms of losses and labels ('Energy Label' and 'Greenhouse Gas Label').

But since the experts in every European country use different specific software and since no European harmonization has been made so far, there will undoubtedly be variations.

The first step is to analyse these variations and to try to reduce them, setting the most satisfactory after comparing them. Thus the most suitable of all software and approach could be chosen.

  • Treatment of the infrared/digital pictures will follow and European harmonization will be studied and sought after. A report will be written after every test.

All participating teams will improve their EAV and gain in credibility thanks to this joint interaction.

The second aim is:

Providing guidelines of training for the reinstated building casualties into future real estate technical diagnosis operators or for people interested in
creating a business dealing with real estate technical diagnosis.

  • Studying the existing technical norms in all participating countries and summarizing the common features.
  • Studying the national social programmes for reinstatement of labour casualties and supporting successful social integration, choosing the most suitable issues, promoting the idea. Establishing long-lasting relations with the experts on labour market, in the field of labour requirements, for real estate technical diagnosis operators and the outlets of such training.
  • Writing the guidelines, having in mind the previous experience of all participating staff as well as the newly obtained technical and pedagogic knowledge.

The third aim is:

The fourth aim is:

Exchange of existing in all educational organizations know-how in the field of vocational training in energy-efficiency diagnosis of buildings.

Establishment of future vocational training collaboration between the partners, including educational, industrial and non-government organizations and authorities and thus laying the foundations of new training and career centres.

The fifth aim is:


Comparison between the methods of adoption and implementation of the European Energy-efficiency standards and best practices in the four
countries - finding the differences, benefits and disadvantages of different practices, discussing ideas, emphasizing on the differences between the countries, etc.
Identification of common strategies means to help the integration in the EU policies concerning 'Energetic Performance Diagnosis tests' in houses and VET practices.





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